<aside> 📢 This page is the repository for introducing my research progress and resources for fusion plasma research in PLARE.
<aside> 🔥 Disruption prediction and its analysis using multimodal data in KSTAR via deep learning
Disruption: Collapse of the plasma carrying large amount of energy loss and causing harmful damage on the device
Non-linear dynamics → hard to predict in advance to the occurrence of the disruption
A neural network-based predictor can detect the precursor and show high performance with various modalities of the data
Multi-modal learning can handle low precision of disruption alarms and enhance the model performance
ViViT model recognition enhancement via multimodal learning
Low precision issue handled by multimodal learning (left : ViViT, right : multimodal)
Presentation resource
Disruption prediction and its analysis using multimodal data in KSTAR via deep learning.pdf
code : https://github.com/ZINZINBIN/research-predict-disruption </aside>
<aside> 📘 Bayesian neural networks for predicting disruption using 0D parameters and 1D profiles in KSTAR
Bayesian neural network: the neuron is now stochastic so the value of the neuron depends on the prior and posterior distribution → computation of the uncertainty is now available.
Based on BayesBackProps algorithm, we can construct the stochastic networks by approximating the MCMC sampling procedure.
Not only 0D parameters but also 1D profiles obtained from Tompson data and magnetic diagnostic signals are used.
Simulation results
<aside> ⚙ Tokamak plasmas operation control using reinforcement learning in KSTAR
We can approximate the steady-state tokamak plasma operation by using neural networks as a function approximator (simulator)
The virtual KSTAR environment based on Transformer model are used as an environment for reinforcement learning.
The aim of this research is to find out the optimal way for dynamic decision-making → feasible way to approach the 0D parameters to the target value.
The agent will learn how to control the variables to achieve the multi-objectives.
presentation resource
Simulation results
<aside> 💡 Fusion reactor design: reinforcement learning for reactor design optimization
An inverse design problem with constraints: operation limits + cost-efficiency
Using a single-step Proximal Policy optimization algorithm, the reactor design optimization can be handled.
RL-based design optimization algorithm can find out the optimal configuration which satisfies both operation limits and cost-efficient solutions.
presentation resource
Fusion reactor design, reinforcement learning for reactor design optimization.pdf
code: https://github.com/ZINZINBIN/Fusion-Reactor-Design-Project
<aside> 🎮 PINN-based Free boundary Grad-Sharfanov solver